Achieving Progressive Narratives on Migration in Europe

Read our new publication on how to shape the political discourse on migration in a progressive way.

Attitudes towards migrants are difficult to grasp – but they are less divided than populists would have us believe. Nevertheless, an increasing number of Europeans feel uneasy about people who escape poverty and violence in search of a decent and safe life far away from their home. This European uneasiness is expressed in fears that range from unfair competition in the labour market and reduced access to social services in the host countries to the perceived threat posed by migrants to national identities, ethnic homogeneity and security.

The European Public Opinion and Migration project carried out by the Foundation of European Progressive Studies together with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung the Fondazione Pietro Nenni and the Fondation Jean Jaurés brought together experts across seven EU member states – Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy Sweden and the United Kingdom (focusing on Scotland) – to evaluate their countries’ experience vis-à-vis migration.

The work is summed up in our new publication “European Public Opinion and Migration: Achieving Common Progressive Narratives”. The aim of the book is to try and shed light on the paradox that the disadvantaged and marginalised represent an imminent threat to our societies. It also aims to explain the origin of a political short circuit that is affecting public opinion right across Europe and impacting on electoral results, political dynamics and immigration policies in many EU member states. Most importantly, the authors developed political recommendations on how to address this controversial topic in a more progressive way.


Read the book

Read the Political Recommendations


Short video summaries of chosen chapters by their authors:

Lisa Pelling, Sweden

Oliver Gruber, Austria

Thilo Scholle, Germany

Hervé Le Bras, France

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