Monday, 25.09.2023 - Gólya

FES-Mérce filmclub: The Good Boss

Our next joint filmclub with Mérce will, as usual, be at Gólya and we will screen De Fernando León Aranoa's 2021 film, "The Good Boss". Is the workplace a big family? Is your boss your friend? Your benefactor? Your father? Blanco, played by Javier Bardem, the head of the scale factory, is apparently all this and more: he is the balance, the truth, he keeps things in their place. At least he does his best to maintain this appearance. "Sometimes you have to cheat so that the scale shows the exact weight," he admits. The film also outlines the network of interests and desires that in reality holds Blanco's exploitative world together. Is there a way out of this spider's web, the dense web of economic production relations? We will talk about these questions with our invited guests.

Invited speakers:

- Anna Babos, film critic, curator and currently organizer of the Partizán film club;

- Norbert Ferencz, radical social worker, trade union organizer.


Here is the link to the trailer.


When? – 25. September 2023, 19:00

Where? -Gólya (1089-Budapest, Orczy út 46-48.)

The event is free, registration is not required. The film is shown in Spanish with Hungarian subtitles.


Irodai cím:

Fővám tér 2-3
H-1056 Budapest


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