Wednesday, 30.11.2022 - Zoom Meeting

How has the populist threat replaced the far-right one?

The online event will answer the following questions: What are the differences between the "traditional" far-right and the populist radical "new right"? How do they try to exploit discontent? Why do they often appear pro-Kremlin and how do they deal with the issue of Russian aggression against Ukraine? Which methods work and which do not against the threat posed by the populist right?

  • Date: 30 November 2022, 10:00
  • Venue: Zoom (with simultaneous English translation via Zoom)
  • Language: Hungarian
  • Partner: Political Capital
  • Invitation: Download Invitation
  • You can register for the event here.


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Fővám tér 2-3
H-1056 Budapest


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