Tuesday, 16.03.2021 - Zoom Meeting

Is compromise possible between work and capital?

Public discussions are back! Possibilities of social compromise in Hungary


Új Egyenlőség Magazine in cooperation with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Budapest will launch a series of public discussions in 2021, with the title of Possibilities of social compromise in Hungary. The topic of the first event: „Is compromise possible between work and capital?”


What would be the ideal relationship between capital and work? What can be done, if the employer does not acknowledge the trade union? The second lowest minimal wage in Europe (in Euro) is the Hungarian.What can be done to increase it? What can be done against the most liberal labor code in Europe? ”Slave law”


  • Date: 18.00 h, 16 March
  • Venue: Online
  • Language(s): English 
  • Partner: Új Egyenlőség


Irodai cím:

Fővám tér 2-3
H-1056 Budapest


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