Wednesday, 24.03.2021 - Zoom Meeting

Personal professionalism – health visitors in the 21st century in Hungary

The fourth and last discussion of the series „Waiting Room - Women Healers and Patients on the Periphery of Medicine” will deal with the personal and professional challenges of health visitors in Hungary. The Hungarian health visitor network is called a Hungaricum as it is a unique system in Europe. Health visitors are qualified healthcare professionals who are traditionally promoting and improving the physical, mental, and social well-being of families in their district. They are specialised in women’s health, pregnancy, mother, infant and child care, as well as the health protection of adolescents. Their work covers all stages of womens’ lives.

The discussion is basedonthe art works of Viola Fátyol and Lilla Szászwhichwill be shortlyshown and presented.Ourdiscussantswill be:  

  • Adél Pongrácz, healthvisitor 

  • Alexndra Szőke, anthropologist, Centre forEconomic and RegionalStudies 

The eventwill be moderatedby 

  • Eszter Lázár, art historian, curator 

  • Csilla Malomvölgyi, FES 

Pleasevisitthe facebook site of te project „WaitingRoom - WomenHealers and PatientsonthePeriphery of Medicinetoknow more abouttheserieshere.

  • Language:Hungarian, no translationwill be provided. 
  • Date and time:24th March 2021, 17:00-18:00 
  • Venue:Zoom 


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