
Nőügyek 2018

Gregor, Anikó; Kováts, Eszter

Nőügyek 2018

Társadalmi problémák és megoldási stratégiák : A kutatási eredmények összefoglalója
Budapest, 2018

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Women's affairs 2018

Gregor, Anikó; Kováts, Eszter

Women's affairs 2018

Societal problems and solution strategies in Hungary
Budapest, 2018

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Der sichere Sieger wird nervös

Engels, Jan Niklas

Der sichere Sieger wird nervös

Warum die Wahlen in Ungarn noch nicht entschieden sind
Berlin, 2018

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Yesterday's FDI dependency remains today's reality

Veres, Máté

Yesterday's FDI dependency remains today's reality

The evolution of Hungary's external trade, and the relevance of Germany since 1990
Budapest, 2018

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Back to the past

Nahalka, István

Back to the past

The education system of Hungary after 2010
Budapest, 2018

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Welfare for the wealthy

Szikra, Dorottya

Welfare for the wealthy

The social policy of the Orbán-regime, 2010 - 2017
Budapest, 2018

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Misplaced priorities and missing consistency

Gilly, Gyula

Misplaced priorities and missing consistency

Health policy in Hungary and its consequences on health and health funding
Budapest, 2018

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Das ungarische "STOP Soros"-Gesetzespaket

Boros, Tamás

Das ungarische "STOP Soros"-Gesetzespaket

Warum kämpft die Regierung gegen Menschenrechtsorganisationen?
Budapest, 2018

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The Hungarian "Stop Soros" act

Boros, Tamás

The Hungarian "Stop Soros" act

Why does the government fight human rights organisations?
Budapest, 2018

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Looking behind the culture of fear

Messing, Vera; Ságvári, Bence

Looking behind the culture of fear

Cross-national analysis of attitudes towards migration
Budapest, 2018

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