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459 results:
81. Europäische Integration, Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik  
Europäische Integration, Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik Ziel unserer Arbeit ist die Stärkung der Europäischen Union als Garant für Frieden, Sicherheit, Zusammenhalt und Demokratie. Unsere…  
| Economy, Labor, Welfare, Wirtschaft, Arbeitswelt, Wohlfahrt | Events, Veranstaltung
AI and Educational System in Hungary: Challenges, Risks and Opportunities
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform education, we know, by introducing new teaching and learning practices, reducing inequalities in accessing knowledge and narrowing the…  
| European Integration, Foreign and Security Policy, Europäische Integration, Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik | Events, Veranstaltung
Russia and its (future) relations with Europe
Russia's unprovoked attack on Ukraine hast let to a "Zeitenwende" in Germany's Foreign and Security Policy,but it has changed the entire Security Architecture of Europe. What are its consequences…  
| European Integration, Foreign and Security Policy, Europäische Integration, Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik | Events, Veranstaltung
Evaluating the Foreign Policy of the Orbán regimes
During our discussion, we will try to reflect on the main orientations of Orbán's foreign policy and to identify its tangible failures and successes. We will discuss how Hungary's "image might have…  
| European Integration, Foreign and Security Policy, Europäische Integration, Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik | Events, Veranstaltung
Social Europe: A social democratic vision for Europe
At our conference, speakers who are seldom seen in our country, but who are internationally renowned, will examine the main challenges facing  European social democracy and the main economic,…  
Search results 81 until 90 of 459