Friday, 10.09.2021 - Hybrid Meeting

Artificial Intelligence – Our first encounter with it… and should we worry?

We are hearing more and more about artificial intelligence, which many are calling the decisive technology of the future. What exactly does it mean and how will it affect our daily lives?

The Budapest Office of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, together with the Vasas Trade Union, is launching a series of panel discussions on artificial intelligence to explore the human side of technological developments and the implications for the future of work, opinion-forming and democracy.

  • Date:10. September 2021 18:00-19:30 h
  • Venue: Budapest Music Center
  • Language(s): English 
  • Partner: Vasas Trade Union
  • Registration for personal participation: here.
  • Registration for online participation: here.



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H-1056 Budapest


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