Thursday, 14.06.2018 - Premier Kultcafé

Fear eats up the soul

„Fear eats up the soul” was the title of the conference organised by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung on 14 July 2018. Four renowned researchers, Tamás Boros, Vera Messing, Anikó Gregor and Ambrus Kiss presented their findings on the fears of the Hungarian society in general, respectively fears related to migration, the situation of women and problems of the working society. Their preliminary studies came up with some surprising facts. Migration no longer tops the list of fears shared by the majority of Hungarians, women suffer from existential fears, employee organisations contribute to reduce workerplace anxiety.

Detailed studies and lectures have for the first time tried to map the reasons behind the fears of the Hungarian society and the special quality components of the election campaign made these fears particularly relevant. The findings of the presentations underlined that the Hungarian society sustains strong motivations based on different interests and values, but the fear-driven motivation has achieved an independent playing field by now. The findings of the representative polls and focus group surveys literally called for a follow-up as the research project explored a new and umcharted "no man’s land" topic. The panel discussion following the presentations and the closing debate came up with a number of new questions: What is the difference between the fear perceptions of Hungarian public, researchers and government propaganda? How can you understand the hopes behind the fears? How does politics perceive civil society? ... Such questions have been raised , both invited experts and participants tried to shed light on these issues.

Summary video: Youtube



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