Friday, 27.05.2022 - Európa Pont

How much EU do Hungarians want?

We cordially invite you to the book launch of “How much EU do Hungarians want? Pro-EU and Eurosceptic attitudes in Hungary” – a new publication of Policy Solutions and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.  

After the presentation of our new research, a panel discussion will take place. Our distinguished guests - Anna Donáth (Member of the European Parliament, Momentum) , Sándor Rónai (Member of the European Parliament, DK) and István Ujhelyi (Member of the European Parliament, MSZP)  - will discuss Hungary's relationship with the EU, and the potential directions of Hungary’s future EU policy.   

  • Date: 27 May2022, 10:00-12:00
  • Venue: Európa Pont (1024 Budapest, Lövőház utca 35.)
  • Language: Hungarian (with English translation)
  • Partner: Policy Solutions
  • Invitation: Download Invitation
  • Please register here for the event.



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