Women and housing – What can municipalities do?
The Periféria Center for Public Policy and Research, the NANE Association and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Budapest are organizing together a roundtable discussion on how local governments can improve the housing situation of vulnerable female target groups. The event will present three policy materials prepared in collaboration with three municipalities, outlining how each municipality could improve the housing situation of vulnerable groups of women, tailored to local needs and resources. With the event, our goal is to draw the attention of other municipalities to the importance of the problem and to encourage commitment to the topic.
English translation will not be provided.
First chapter of this cooperation:
Last year we published a booklet on the housing difficulties of women, which can be found here.
A short teaser video of the publication can be found here.
Date: 20th May 2022, 15:00-17:00
Venue: Eötvös10 Közösségi és Kulturális Színtér, Eötvös utca 10., Budapest, 1067
Language(s): Hungarian
Partners: Periféria Center for Public Policy and Research and NANE Association
Facebook Event is here.
Registration for participation at the venue available here.
Fővám tér 2-3
H-1056 Budapest
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