Tuesday, 14.07.2020 - Zoom Discussion

Zooming in on Progressive Responses

High expectation for Germany - The Council Presidency at a Pivotal Moment for the EU

On July 1, 2020, Germany took over the EU Council Presidency.

The discussion with  Michael Roth, (MP Minister of State for Europe, Federal Foreign Office, Germany) Margarida Marques, MEP (Former Secretary of State for European Affairs, Portugal) ;Prof. Marek Belka (MEP ex-Prime Minister, Poland) focussed among others on issues such as the Covid-19 crisis and the necessary sustainable economic, social and budgetary decisions for a balanced economic and social recovery and the EU´s relations to the US  and China.

1500 people registered for this online debate on July 14th, which is part of our series »Zooming-in on progressive responses« with social democratic politicians and experts all across from Europe.

Link to videos: <link videos _blank external-link>here.



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