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459 results:
| Social-political Dialogue, Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog | Events, Veranstaltung
Hungary’s Anxiety Map 2021
Please register here for the online book launch of “Hungary’s Anxiety Map 2021”, a joint publication by Policy Solutions and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Our research and discussion aim to explore…  
| Social-political Dialogue, Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog | Events, Veranstaltung
A sovereign Europe – Fiction or reality?
Please register here to the  joint online event by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Jelen magazine and Political Capital: Challenges and opportunities for the EU’s strategic autonomy Date: May 19th,…  
| Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation, Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik | Events, Veranstaltung
Works Councils Club of Multinationals - European Works Councils Club
Bitte registrieren Sie hier zum Online Eurobetriebsräteklub der multinationalen Unternehmen, wozu das Budapester Büro der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) und der Beratungsdienst für Interessenschutz…  
| Social-political Dialogue, Társadalompolitikai párbeszéd, Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog | Rendezvények, Events, Veranstaltung
Europe’s green transformation - Can we beat the heat and save our planet?
Please register here to our new event of the series “Visions for Europe”: Europe’s green transformation. Can we beat the heat and save our planet?” During the last years the EU has become the…  
| Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation, Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik | Events, Veranstaltung
Alltägliche Ängste in den Zeiten der COVID-Pandemie
Bitte registrieren Sie hier auf unsere nächste Veranstaltung zu der Serie „Geschützter Raum” mit dem Titel Alltägliche Ängste in den Zeiten der COVID-Pandemie. Sind wir in der Stimmung, die Arbeit…  
| Gender equality in East-Central Europe, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit | Publikation, Events, Veranstaltung
Women and housing – Publication
Does the housing crisis affect women particularly strongly? Which housing solutions are available to women in Hungary today, and could they be expanded, to respond specifically to the needs of women,…  
| Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog, Social-political Dialogue | Events, Veranstaltung
Covid-19 and Crisis Management: How Hungarians Experienced the Past Year
Please register here to our online book launch of “Covid-19 and Crisis Management: How Hungarians Experienced the Past Year”, a joint publication by Policy Solutions and…  
| Social-political Dialogue, Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog | Events, Veranstaltung
On Diverging Paths? The future of the EU and the United Kingdom after Brexit
Please register here to the second event by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Jelen and Political Capital: The future of the EU and the United Kingdom after Brexit The United Kingdom’s departure from…  
| Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog, Social-political Dialogue | Events, Veranstaltung
Do not go at it alone: defending against the pandemic
The joint online event of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Jelen, and Political Capital „Do not go at it alone: defending against the pandemic” will take place 24 March 2021, 10:00-11:00 The…  
| Social-political Dialogue, Társadalompolitikai párbeszéd, Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog | Rendezvények, Events, Veranstaltung
Strengthening Democracy against Populist and related Challenges in Europe
In our first joint event with the Andrássy University, we want to discuss how resilient our European democracies are vis-à-vis the rise of populist parties and movements and related dangers and how…  
Search results 241 until 250 of 459