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446 results:
| Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog, Social-political Dialogue | Events, Veranstaltung
The prospects of green-left politics in Hungary
How green are the different social groups in Hungary? What aspects of environmental and social issues may raise the most attention from the public? What could be the green-left policy issues that may…  
| Social-political Dialogue, Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog | Events, Veranstaltung
Sustaining Media Pluralism in Europe: How to turn Digital Platform Regulation into a Tool for Democracy?
Our online event is jointly organized by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (EU Office in Brussels and Budapest Office) and Reporters Without Borders with the partnership of Petra Kammerevert MEP (S&D)  
| Geschlechtergerechtigkeit | Veranstaltung
Der Warteraum - Heilerinnen und Patientinnen an der Peripherie der Medizin
Das Regionalprogramm "Gendergerechtigkeit in Ostmitteleuropa" der FES organisiert gemeinsam mit den Kuratoren des Kunstprojektes „Der Warteraum - Heilerinnen und Patientinnen an der Peripherie der…  
| Gender equality in East-Central Europe | Events
The Waiting Room - Female Healers and Patients on the Periphery of Medicine
The “Gender Equality in East-Central Europe” programme of the FES organizes a series of discussions together with the curators of the art project “The Waiting Room - Female Healers and Patients on…  
| Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog | Publikation, Veranstaltung
Einwanderung und Gesellschaft: Die Ost-West-Spaltung verfestigt sich
Neue FES Studie über die Einstellungen zur Migration in Europa  
| Social-political Dialogue | Publikation, Events
Immigration and society: The East-West Divide has Solidified
New FES study on the European migration attitudes.  
| Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation, Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik | Events, Veranstaltung
Gewerkschaftliche Jugendaktion - Ein atypischer Samstagnachmittag
We would like you to know why and how unions struggle on a daily basis and what they perform. Our goal is also to develop ourselves - that's why we came together in this community. We teach and at…  
| Social-political Dialogue, Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog | Events, Veranstaltung
The societal effects of the coronavirus pandemic in the 8th district of Budapest
A joint online event organized by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and Political Capital.  
| Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog | Publikation, Veranstaltung
Europäische Digitalpolitik - Großer Wurf oder Luftnummer?
Wie der ‘Digital Services Act’ die Demokratie fördern kann. Ein FES-Briefing für Nachhaltigkeit des Qualitätsjournalismus.  
| Social-political Dialogue | Publikation, Events
European Digital Policy - Success story or a flop?
How the 'Digital Services Act' can support democracy. FES-Briefing for protecting media sustainability and quality journalism.  
Search results 261 until 270 of 446