Democracy and Political Development


Tuesday, 26.11.2024 - Bohém Restaurant | Democracy and Political Development, Demokratie und Politische Entwicklung | Events, Veranstaltung

EU-CEE was a growth champion showing remarkable convergence since EU accession, but recently, growth momentum appears to be slowing. Is the growth…


Friday, 19.01.2024 - Aranytíz Kultúrház | Democracy and Political Development, Demokratie und Politische Entwicklung | Events, Veranstaltung

The publication “Hungarian Politics in 2023”, an annual review of Policy Solutions.

This publication is the tenth in a series of comprehensive…



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Competence Centre

Democracy of the Future

The work of the Competence Centre on the "Democracy of the Future", based in Vienna, is currently based on two topical pillars: Democracy & Society and Democracy & Economy. In collaboration with different researchers, we try to explore and find answers to key questions!


FES Brussels

FES EU Office Brussels

You may also visit our office in Brussels.


Democracy and Political Development

Anchoring pluralism, the rule of law and social democracy in state and society is an important concern for us. Therefore, we regularly address these topics in our studies and events and support political and civil society actors in their renewal process as well as in initiating important socio-political discourses.