Economy, Labor, Welfare


Thursday, 14.11.2024 - VDSZ-Gewerkschaftshaus | Economy, Labor, Welfare, Wirtschaft, Arbeitswelt, Wohlfahrt | Events, Veranstaltung

Unter den Regeln, die das Arbeitsverhältnis regeln, spielen die Tarifverträge eine besonders wichtige Rolle. Die Bedeutung einer höheren…


Wednesday, 22.05.2024 - Zoom Meeting | Economy, Labor, Welfare, Wirtschaft, Arbeitswelt, Wohlfahrt | Events, Veranstaltung

Ein gemeinsames Forschungsprojekt der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung und des Lehrstuhls für Arbeitsrecht an der Katholischen Universität Pázmány Péter…



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Competence Centre

Future of Work

The debate on the future of work goes beyond the context of digital transformation and touches various policy fields. The Competence Centre on the Future of Work, based in Brussels, is bringing together different actors to discuss and debate the future of work at the European level!


Regional project

European Economies of the East

With the "European Economies of the East"-programme, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung contributes to the debate on economic, industrial and technology policy in the Eastern member countries of the EU.


Economy, Labor, Welfare

We are committed to an economic and social policy aimed at justice, sustainability and participation. In addition to developing contributions for a fair, democratic and sustainable development of both economic and social policy in Hungary and Europe, we support the strengthening of trade unions and works councils so that they can fulfil their important role as social partners.