Wednesday, 30.10.2019

After the 2019 Municipal Elections – The Consequences of 3 elections in 1.5 years

The room was bursting at the seams when the results of the local elections were discussed at our joint event organized with Political Capital. At a first panel, analysts discussed different aspects of the electoral process, the election results and the consequences.

At the second panel discussion Gergely Karácsony, newly elected Mayor of Budapest and four other district mayors debated the future of local communities. Gergely Karácsony stressed that converting electoral success into political success depends on strong cooperation of the opposition parties. Therefore, the coming years will bring major political challenges, according to Karácsony. The goal must be to act locally and to enable more people to engage in politics. He also expressed his hope that the Hungarian government will adopt the same open approach to cooperation as he himself.


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