New Ways to Democratize Democracy (book launch)
We cordially invite you to the launch of the publication: Citizens' assemblies – New Ways to Democratize Democracy
A joint event by Democracy Institute, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the Közösségi Gyűlés Hálózat
Citizens' assemblies can provide a constructive response to the current erosive symptoms of re-presentative democracies. They introduce a new logic into representative systems currently dominated by electoral competition and inject the perspectives of ordinary citizens into the political process. Citizens' assemblies are no substitute for the parties and institutions of representative democracy, but they can bring the latter closer to the citizenry. What are the main challenges in the implementation of citizens’ assemblies?
The publication please find here!
- Date: 14 June 2022, 16:00-17:00
- Venue: CEU, Nádor str.15. Room 15. Qantum
- Language: Hungarian (with English translation)
- Partner: Demokrácia Intézet
- Invitation: Download Invitation
- Please register here for the event.
Office Address:
Fővám tér 2-3
H-1056 Budapest
Registration (Newsletter):