Monday, 19.06.2023 - Andrássy Uni

Russia and its (future) relations with Europe

Russia's unprovoked attack on Ukraine hast let to a "Zeitenwende" in Germany's Foreign and Security Policy,but it has changed the entire Security Architecture of Europe.

What are its consequences for Russia's future relations with Europe? This will be analyzed by Olga Oliker of Crisis Group and Andras Racz of NKE/DGAP on June 19, 14:00-15:30 at AUB (Andrássy University). The detailed program coming soon. To be on the safe side, follow us on Facebook and visit our homepage.

  • Date: 19 June 2023, 14:00-15:30
  • Venue: Andrássy Egyetem Budapest, Pollack Mihály tér 3. 1088
  • Language: English
  • Partner: Andrássy Uni
  • Invitation:Download Invitation


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