Tuesday, 26.06.2018

The political compass of the Hungarian society

What does the value system of Hungarian society look like? This was the center point of the conference organized by the Policy Solutions Political Analysis Institute, the "New Equality" online magazine (http://ujegyenloseg.hu) and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Bureau in Budapest on 26 June.

In the introduction Tamás Boros, co-founder and strategic director of Policy Solutions, presented the results of the study titled "Political Values ​​of the Hungarian Society - From the Death Penalty to Universal Health Care". The study is a result of a representative survey where a sample of 1000 individuals was invited to answer a questionnaire with 28 questions. 14 questions focused on minority issues, the role of the family, and the relationship between the state and the individual, in other words cultural-social values. The respondents were able to rate the degree to which they agreed with each of the statements. The responses indicated that the Hungarian society is polarized on cultural and social policy issues. Left-wing views dominated economic policy issues. The study is available for free download from <link publikationen _blank external-link>here.

Those interested in the subject can answer the 28 questions in Hungarian and compare their views with the views of parties and politicians here.

The presentation of the study was followed by a discussion forum hosted by Anikó Gregor, sociologist and Zoltán Lakner, journalist. Participants enriched the discussions with many valuable remarks, although some critical observations were also expressed. Participants asked why the economic and cultural values could not be separated. The individual values seem to differ from what people actually claim in social discourse. The differing results of other studies and the internal contradictions in responses point to the fact that more in-depth studies are needed to find out about the actual value system of the Hungarian society and its related electoral behavior.


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