Events - Economy, Labor, Welfare

Tuesday, 15.06.2021 - Zoom Meeting | Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation, Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik | Events, Veranstaltung

Bitte melden Sie sich hier für den nächsten "Geschützter Raum" Gesprächskreis an. Lernen. Begabt sein. Herausragen. Ohne Begabung Halt finden. Hilfe…


Thursday, 03.06.2021 - Zoom Meeting | Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik, Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation | Events, Veranstaltung

Bitte registrieren Sie hier zur Online Landeskonferenz der Betriebsräte, wozu das Budapester Büro der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) und der…


Tuesday, 11.05.2021 - Zoom Meeting | Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation, Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik | Events, Veranstaltung

Bitte registrieren Sie hier zum Online Eurobetriebsräteklub der multinationalen Unternehmen, wozu das Budapester Büro der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung…


Monday, 03.05.2021 - Zoom Meeting | Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation, Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik | Events, Veranstaltung

Bitte registrieren Sie hier auf unsere nächste Veranstaltung zu der Serie „Geschützter Raum” mit dem Titel Alltägliche Ängste in den Zeiten der…


Tuesday, 27.04.2021 | Gender equality in East-Central Europe, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit | Publikation, Events, Veranstaltung

Does the housing crisis affect women particularly strongly? Which housing solutions are available to women in Hungary today, and could they be…


Wednesday, 24.03.2021 - Zoom Meeting | Gender equality in East-Central Europe, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit | Events, Veranstaltung

The fourth and last discussion of the series „Waiting Room - Women Healers and Patients on the Periphery of Medicine” will deal with the personal and…


Monday, 08.03.2021 - Zoom Meeting | Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik, Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation | Veranstaltung, Events

Chancen. Chancen im Alltag, am Arbeitsplatz oder grad in der Familie. Sie sind gleich und ungleich. Die Ungleichheit, wie auch die fehlende…


Monday, 22.02.2021 - Zoom Meeting | Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation, Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik | Events, Veranstaltung

A virus is haunting Europe. And it could strike again. This year’s 20th anniversary issue of the European Trade Union Institute’s (ETUI) and the…


Thursday, 03.12.2020 - Zoom Meeting | Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik, Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation | Events, Veranstaltung

Isolierung. Eingesperrtsein. Krise. Lockdown. Das ist der gegenwärtige Alltag weltweit und auch in Ungarn. Der 25. November ist der Internationale Tag…


Friday, 27.11.2020 | Gender equality in East-Central Europe, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, Nemek közötti igazságosság Kelet-Közép-Európában | Rendezvények, Events, Veranstaltung, Publikation

To be cared for is an essential physical and emotional need, not only for people individually, but also for societies. For several decades, however,…


Friday, 27.11.2020 - Zoom Meeting | Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik, Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation | Events, Veranstaltung

Junge Lehrer_innen, die in Ungarn in den Beruf einsteigen (möchten), können sich an vielen Orten eher selten eine Wohnung, geschweige denn ein…


Wednesday, 04.11.2020 - Online event | Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik, Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation | Events, Veranstaltung

Der 2. Stadtbezirk der Hauptstadt Budapest veranstaltet in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Atrium-Theater und dem Budapester Büro der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung…


Tuesday, 13.10.2020 - Online event - Zoom | Gender equality in East-Central Europe | Events

This autumn season FES and Új Egyenlőség magazine launched a series of public discussions on inequalities in Hungary: their class, gender, ethnic,…


Wednesday, 07.10.2020 - Online event | Gender equality in East-Central Europe | Events

The “Gender Equality in East-Central Europe” programme of the FES organizes a series of discussions together with the curators of the art project “The…


Saturday, 26.09.2020 - Hotel Memories Oldtown Roof Top Terrace | Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation, Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik | Events, Veranstaltung

We would like you to know why and how unions struggle on a daily basis and what they perform. Our goal is also to develop ourselves - that's why we…


Wednesday, 01.07.2020 - Zoom Meeting | Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation, Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik | Events, Veranstaltung

In dem seit einem Jahrzehnt laufenden Forschungsprogramm von Policy Agenda spielen die die Welt der Arbeit betreffenden tiefgreifenden Analysen eine…


Monday, 29.06.2020 - Zoom Meeting | Gender equality in East-Central Europe, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit | Events, Veranstaltung

On 29 June at 17:00 the results of the research “Inequalities during the coronavirus in Hungary” will be presented. The representative survey is…


Friday, 12.06.2020 - Zoom Meeting | Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik, Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation | Events, Veranstaltung

Die Öffnung ist da, aber was ist mit den Arbeitsplätzen geschehen? Können wir zurückgehen? Und was ist mit den Kindern und den Sommerferien? Worauf…


Tuesday, 28.01.2020 - Premier Kultcafé | Gender equality in East-Central Europe | Events

These are just some of the interesting topics on the occasion of the first event of the Film Club series Women and Social Movements, which took place…


| Gazdaság- és szociálpolitika, szakszervezeti együttműködés, Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation, Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik | Rendezvények, Events, Veranstaltung, Publikation

The Automotive Sector in Upheaval

The automotive industry is of enormous economic importance for the Visegrad countries and Romania. In addition, it…


Wednesday, 19.06.2019 - Kossuth Klub | Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation | Events

On average, wages in Hungary remain in the lower third of the EU 15. Although there have been significant increase in wages in recent years, the…


Monday, 01.04.2019 - Hotel Korona | Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation | Events

"The workers' rights in Europe and Hungary" was the title of the panel discussion hosted jointly by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the…


Thursday, 21.06.2018 - FES | Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation | Events

The Hungarian trade union landscape is severely fragmented with more than 1,000 registered unions. The fall of membership levels over the past years…


Thursday, 31.05.2018 - MASZSZ | Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation | Events

Since 2015, when the Central Statistical Office (KSH) decided to stop the collection and disclosure of minimum subsistence data, the…


Wednesday, 30.05.2018 - Kossuth Klub | Gender equality in East-Central Europe, Nemek közötti igazságosság Kelet-Közép-Európában, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit | Rendezvények, Events, Veranstaltung

Care for children, the sick and the elderly – still done mostly by women – is an elementary function in our society, which provides a basis for the…


Thursday, 17.05.2018 | Gender equality in East-Central Europe | Events

It often seems as if in Hungary the reality experienced by women hardly coincides with the public discourse on the situation of women in society.…


Tuesday, 27.03.2018 - Kossuth Klub | Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation | Events

In recent years, wage levels increased sharply in Central and East European economies. How sustainable is this positive trend and when can we expect a…


Monday, 26.03.2018 - Közgarden | Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation | Events

On March 26, 2018, the FES Budapest office held a panel discussion on European youth policy and trade unions. The panelists included young union…


19.03.2018 | Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation | Events

One day before International Women's Day on March 7, trade union representatives met in Budapest to discuss women's role in today's society. The…


Saturday, 10.03.2018 - Kossuth Klub | Economic and Social Policy, Trade Union Cooperation | Events

"Fundamental social rights take precedence over economic interests. They are a cornerstone of a social Europe." With these words, Reiner Hoffmann,…


| Gender equality in East-Central Europe | Events

Anna Kéthly (1889-1976) was one of the most predominant politicians of the Hungarian left in the 20th century.


Tuesday, 07.11.2017 | Gender equality in East-Central Europe, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, Nemek közötti igazságosság Kelet-Közép-Európában | Rendezvények, Events, Veranstaltung

The event took place on the 7th of November 2017, on the occasion of the newly published volume with the same title, organised by the regional gender…


Tuesday, 24.10.2017 - Budapest | Gender equality in East-Central Europe | Events

One of the main goals of our event on 24 October 2017 was to discuss the links between the West-East and the gender pay inequalities.


Wednesday, 11.10.2017 - Budapest | Gender equality in East-Central Europe | Events

Feminists initially used the phrase "personal is political" to mean that the treatment of women in the home and in the social sphere was a political…


Tuesday, 03.10.2017 | Gender equality in East-Central Europe, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, Nemek közötti igazságosság Kelet-Közép-Európában | Rendezvények, Events, Veranstaltung

The starting point of our conference on 3 October 2016 was the idea that care for children, the sick and elderly is an integral part of human life and…



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