Publications - Economy, Labor, Welfare

Housing challenges and their solutions

Czirfusz, Márton

Housing challenges and their solutions

The role of local governments in Hungary
Budapest, 2019

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Temporary agency work as a form and channel of labour migration in Hungary

Meszmann, T. Tibor; Fedyuk, Oléna

Temporary agency work as a form and channel of labour migration in Hungary

Budapest, 2018

Download publication (250 KB, PDF-Fille)

Félelmek a munka világában

Félelmek a munka világában

Közösség ereje segít, ha nem félsz segítséget kérni
Budapest, 2018

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Munkaero-kölcsönzés mint munkaviszony

Meszmann, T. Tibor; Fedyuk, Oléna

Munkaero-kölcsönzés mint munkaviszony

és mint mobilitási (migrációs) csatorna
Budapest, 2018

Download publication (420 KB, PDF-Fille)

Yesterday's FDI dependency remains today's reality

Veres, Máté

Yesterday's FDI dependency remains today's reality

The evolution of Hungary's external trade, and the relevance of Germany since 1990
Budapest, 2018

Download publication (2,7 MB PDF-File)

Back to the past

Nahalka, István

Back to the past

The education system of Hungary after 2010
Budapest, 2018

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Welfare for the wealthy

Szikra, Dorottya

Welfare for the wealthy

The social policy of the Orbán-regime, 2010 - 2017
Budapest, 2018

Download publication (670 KB, PDF-File)

Misplaced priorities and missing consistency

Gilly, Gyula

Misplaced priorities and missing consistency

Health policy in Hungary and its consequences on health and health funding
Budapest, 2018

Download publication (690 KB, PDF-File)

A kaliforniai kihívás

Hill, Steven

A kaliforniai kihívás

Hogyan (ne) szabályozzuk a diszruptív vállalati modelleket
Budapest, 2018

Download publication (310 KB, PDF-File)

Solidarity in struggle

Solidarity in struggle

feminist perspectives on neoliberalism in East-Central Europe
Budapest, 2016

Download publication (1,3 MB PDF-File)


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