
Desperate search for the lost popularity

Juhász, Attila; Krekó, Péter

Desperate search for the lost popularity

governmental campaign against refugees and migrants in Hungary ; backgroundinformation
Budapest, 2015

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Hungarian politics in 2014

Györi, Gábor

Hungarian politics in 2014

Budapest, 2015

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Women's (under)representation in the Hungarian Parliament

Várnagy, Réka

Women's (under)representation in the Hungarian Parliament

Budapest, 2014

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A nok (alul)reprezentáltsága magyar Országgyűlésben

Várnagy, Réka

A nok (alul)reprezentáltsága magyar Országgyűlésben

Budapest, 2014

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The alliance of the Hungarian opposition

Boros, Tamás

The alliance of the Hungarian opposition

burying the hatchet
Budapest, 2014

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Magyarország szakszervezetei mozgásban

Girndt, Rainer

Magyarország szakszervezetei mozgásban

kísérlet az erok koncentrálására
Budapest, 2014

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Another Hungarian constitutional amendment

Boros, Tamás

Another Hungarian constitutional amendment

smoke and mirrors for the world
Budapest, 2014

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Austerity policies and gender impacts in Slovakia

Pietruchová, Olga

Austerity policies and gender impacts in Slovakia

Olga Pietruchová. - Budapest : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2013. - 14 S. = 510 KB, PDF-File. - (Working paper
Budapest, 2014

Download publication (510 KB, PDF-File)

Austerity policies and gender impacts in Poland

Skóra, Maria

Austerity policies and gender impacts in Poland

Maria Skóra. - Budapest : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2013. - 14 S. = 140 KB, PDF-File. - (Working paper
Budapest, 2014

Download publication (140 KB, PDF-File)

Austerity policies and gender impacts in Hungary

Szikra, Dorottya

Austerity policies and gender impacts in Hungary

Dorottya Szikra. - Budapest : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2013. - 16 S. = 280 KB, PDF-File. - (Working paper
Budapest, 2014

Download publication (280 KB, PDF-File)


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