
Hungarian politics in 2020

Bíró-Nagy, András; Györi, Gábor; Scheiring, Gábor

Hungarian politics in 2020

Budapest, 2021

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Civil society activism related to women and families since 2010 in Hungary

Civil society activism related to women and families since 2010 in Hungary

Deepening cleavages and new strategies
Budapest, 2021

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Moldovans: Outsiders or insiders?

Toró, Tibor; Kiss, Tamás; Telegdi-Csetri, Viorela

Moldovans: Outsiders or insiders?

Situation of migrant workers in Romania
Budapest, 2020

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Temporary home or final destination?

Vankova, Zvezda; Ivanova, Bistra

Temporary home or final destination?

Situation of migrant workers in Bulgaria
Budapest, 2020

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Vremenen dom ili krajna destinacija?

Vankova, Zvezda; Ivanova, Bistra

Vremenen dom ili krajna destinacija?

Položenie na rabotnicite migranti v Bălgarija
Budapest, 2020

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Entry to a market, not to a state

Pawlak, Mikołaj; Lashchuk, Iuliia

Entry to a market, not to a state

Situation of migrant workers in Poland
Budapest, 2020

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Dostęp do rynku pracy, ale nie do państwa

Pawlak, Mikołaj; Lashchuk, Iuliia

Dostęp do rynku pracy, ale nie do państwa

Sytuacja pracowników migrujących e Polsce
Budapest, 2020

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Perpetual temporariness

Perpetual temporariness

Situation of migrant workers in Hungary
Budapest, 2020

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Folyamatos ideiglenesség

Folyamatos ideiglenesség

Migráns munkavállalók helyzete Magyarországon
Budapest, 2020

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Megfertozött médiarendszer

Megfertozött médiarendszer

A politikai tájékozódás forrásai Magyarországon 2020
Budapest, 2020

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