European Integration

The aim of our work is to strengthen the European Union as a guarantor for peace, security, cohesion and democracy.

Our events and publications therefore deal with different areas where the development of the European Union is necessary, and where the following questions arise: How should the EU's external, security and neighbourhood policy react to the changing geopolitical framework and challenges? What options and strategies exist with regard to the further development of the European Union? How can the democratic and social dimension of the European Union be expanded? How can the importance of European values be strengthened in political practice?


| European Integration, Európai integráció, Europäische Integration | Rendezvények, Events, Veranstaltung

While different models for reforming the Euro-currency union are being broadly discussed, the fact that another six countries are supposed to enter…



Chinaʿs European bridgehead?

Chinaʿs European bridgehead?

The Chinese economic presence in Hungary
Budapest, 2024

Download publication (630 KB PDF-File)

A világ magyar szemmel

A világ magyar szemmel

Külpolitikai attitűdök Magyarországon 2024-ben
Budapest, 2024

Download publication (2,2 MB PDF-File)

Contact Persons

Marianna Kondics

Project management and event organization



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