Social-political Dialogue

The anchoring of pluralism, the rule of law and social democracy in the state and society is an important issue for us. That is why we are addressing issues of pluralism, the rule of law and justice at our events. We also support political and civil society actors of social democracy in their renewal process and in the initiation of important socio-political discourses.

In this context, we have dealt extensively for several years with the development of right-wing extremism in Hungary as well as the currently growing right-wing populist tendencies. We are particularly interested in the socio-political causes and connections. But current political issues, such as the state of education and health care, are also taken up and discussed controversially.


Thursday, 01.12.2022 - Zoom Meeting | Social-political Dialogue, Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog | Events, Veranstaltung

The book launch of “Rate your state: Public services in Hungary” – a new publication of FES and Policy Solutions will take place: 01 December 2022…


Wednesday, 30.11.2022 - Zoom Meeting | Social-political Dialogue, Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog | Events, Veranstaltung

The online event will answer the following questions: What are the differences between the "traditional" far-right and the populist radical "new…



Identitás, párthűség, polarizáció

Identitás, párthűség, polarizáció

Hogyan úszhatják meg a demokratikus úton megválasztott politikusok a demokrácia leépítését Magyarországon?
Vienna, 2024

Download publication (16 MB, PDF-File)

Make Europe great again?

Hillebrand, Ernst

Make Europe great again?

Wie Viktor Orbán und andere Rechtspopulisten Europa, den Westen und sich selbst sehen
Budapest, 2024

Download publication (150 KB, PDF-File)

Contact Persons

Marianna Kondics

Project management and event organization



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