Events - Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe

Monday, 25.05.2020 | Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe, Flucht, Migration und Integration | Events, Veranstaltung, Publikation

New study on integration of immigrants in Western Europe


| Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe | Events

Migration researcher Dr Marcus Engler forecasts possible changes in the new European refugee policy.


Monday, 28.10.2019 | Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe | Events, News

How to integrate refugees? MP Aydan Özoğuz, former German Minister of State for Migration, Refugees and Integration, discussed this issue among others…


| Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe | News, Publikation, Events

What Germans think about migration: A summary of the study.


28.06.2019 | Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe | Publikation, Events

A new publication compares the patterns of irregular migration in South East Europe from 2011 - 2017


06.06.2019 | Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe | News, Events

A new guide tries to clear up common misconceptions on migration – by checking both pro as well as anti-migration arguments.


| Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe | News, Events

Read our new publication on how to shape the political discourse on migration in a progressive way.


04.04.2019 | Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe | News, Events

Mapping European attitudes towards migration. Read the results of the new FES study.


04.04.2019 | Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe | News, Events

A Social Media Intelligence Report looks at all 28 EU member states over the period of one year. Here are the results


Thursday, 04.04.2019 - Brussels | Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe | Events

04.04.2019, Presentation and Discussion, 10h00 – 12h30 (registration from 9:45)


22.01.2019 | Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe | Events, News

In March, Switzerland will introduce a new asylum procedure. Dr. Constantin Hruschka analyses the changes.


Thursday, 06.12.2018 - Rome | Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe | Events

Policies and politics of migration


Friday, 16.11.2018 | Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe | Events

A parable for European responsibility


Tuesday, 09.10.2018 - Wednesday, 10.10.2018 - Bratislava | Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe, Flucht, Migration und Integration, Menekültügy, migráció, integráció Európában | Events, Rendezvények, Veranstaltung

Forum on Integration – Bratislava - 09.10. – 10.10.2018


Europe experienced a large inflow of migration over the last years, the asylum numbers have…


| Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe | News, Events

How is migration managed at the external southern borders of Europe? Read our case studies from Greece, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Croatia & Bulgaria.


Monday, 19.03.2018 - Andrássy University Budapest | Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe, Flucht, Migration und Integration | Events, Veranstaltung

The talk addresses the ways in which “the West”, has mainstreamed its responsibilities to provide asylum to the needy by leaning heavily on human…


| Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe, Flucht, Migration und Integration | Events, Veranstaltung

Fear and rejection of migrants and foreigners is so widespread in some European countries that it can be seen as a socially shared norm, while in…


| Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe | Events

Take a look at our newest collection of essays which take stock of how progressive political parties in Europe deal with migration.


Tuesday, 31.10.2017 - Budapest | Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe | Events

There is a growing coalition forming around Hungary, linking the V4 countries and various nationalist/populist forces in European politics. This new…


Wednesday, 18.10.2017 - Saturday, 21.10.2017 - Catania | Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe | Events

What lessons should journalists draw from the “migration crisis”? Trying to find answers, journalists from twelve different European countries visited…



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