Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe

Currently, there are few issues that polarize Europe as much as the debate on flight, migration and integration. In 2016 alone, 1.2 million people submitted a first application for asylum in the European Union. At the same time, political positions of the individual countries could not be more different: questions on border protection, quotas, solidarity, identity, migration and integration are shaping the debate – divisively and emotionally.

In order to build bridges, in early 2017 the Friedrich Ebert Foundation launched a European-wide project "Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe". The project aims to:

  • provide an overview of national migration discourses; and contribute to a better mutual understanding of the individual migrations policies.
  • exchange integration experiences and best practices in the field of integration policy.
  • develop ideas and proposals for a common European migration and refugee policy.

To implement these goals, the FES project organizes events for European multipliers and decision-makers. We bring actors together and support networks. Our publications and scientific reports offer political consultancy.

From our Media

From landing to arrival: The subtle integration of immigrants in Western Europe

Vera Messing and Bence Ságvári explain the main findings of their new study in this short video.

From landing to arrival: The subtle integration of immigrants in Western Europe

Vera Messing and Bence Ságvári presented their new study on 25th May at an online event with FES office in Brussels about how immigrants adapt to their new social environments, using 20 years of data from 13 European countries. This is the third report in a series of research projects commissioned by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung’s regional project “Flight, migration, integration in Europe”.

For the whole report click here.
For the executive summary click here.

Review: Differences that Matter - International Conference Measuring Refugee Integration

How to integrate refugees? MP Aydan Özoğuz, former German Minister of State for Migration, Refugees and Integration, discussed this issue with Jon Hoisaeter (UNHCR), Enikő Csontos (European Commission), Hazem Aboyouness (Ibn Rushd Study Association (Sweden) and Tamim Nashed (European Council for Refugees and Exiles ECRE). The panel was moderated by András Kováts of the Hungarian NGO Menedék. The video on the left is a summary of the whole conference, please get to 1:04 to watch the panel discussion.

Still divided but more open

In this years’ European election, there is no doubt that migration will be one of the most dominant and probably also crucial topics – often accompanied with a bitter dispute over political actions. While some, led by often right-wing populists, are calling for a stronger focus on security issues, e.g. protecting borders and stricter deportations, others stress the humanitarian obligation towards people in need. Both attitudes, however, have in common that they contribute to an image of a divided continent between pro- and anti-migration supporters – a situation that seems to be present since the so-called migration crisis in 2015/16. But has this crisis really changed the Europeans' attitude to migration? And did it contribute to the fact that Europe is really more divided than before?

Please find the full study here.

What do Europeans think about migration online?

The Hungarian institute Bakamo Social evaluated more than 45 million comments over a period of one year. The result consists of 28 country reports and one European summary. According to the results, five pan-European narratives are discussed in all countries. Migration as a security issue, a question of identity, an economic or demographic challenge and a humanitarian issue.

Summary report


Monday, 25.05.2020 | Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe, Flucht, Migration und Integration | Events, Veranstaltung, Publikation

New study on integration of immigrants in Western Europe


| Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe | Events

Migration researcher Dr Marcus Engler forecasts possible changes in the new European refugee policy.



Foreign workers in Hungary

Krisztofer , Bodor

Foreign workers in Hungary

Key facts and labor market challenges
Budapest, 2024

Download publication (420 KB, PDF-File)

Külföldi Munkavállalók Magyarországon

Krisztofer , Bodor

Külföldi Munkavállalók Magyarországon

Tények és Munkaeröpiaci Kihívások
Budapest, 2024

Download publication (1 MB, PDF-File)

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