Events - Democracy and Political Development

Thursday, 03.09.2020 | Social-political Dialogue | Publikation, Events

How the 'Digital Services Act' can support democracy. FES-Briefing for protecting media sustainability and quality journalism.


Tuesday, 14.07.2020 - Zoom Discussion | Social-political Dialogue | Events

High expectation for Germany - The Council Presidency at a Pivotal Moment for the EU

On July 1, 2020, Germany took over the EU Council Presidency.


Thursday, 09.07.2020 - Online panel discussion | Social-political Dialogue, Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog | Events, Veranstaltung

Új Egyenlőség magazine in cooperation with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Budapest organize the next event of public discussions (Közbeszélgetések) which…


Monday, 06.07.2020 - Online Launch Event | Social-political Dialogue | Events

Join us for our debate (start: 3 pm, 6 July) on the effects of the pandemic and the lockdown on media landscape and press freedom in nine countries…


Thursday, 02.07.2020 | Social-political Dialogue | Events, Publikation

New Study of FES and n-ost on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on independent media in Central and Southeast Europe.


Thursday, 02.07.2020 - Online Launch Event | Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog, Social-political Dialogue | Events, Veranstaltung

At the online event we will exchange ideas on how the coronavirus epidemic and the ensuing economic crisis have affected unconditional basic income…


Thursday, 02.07.2020 - Online Launch Event | Social-political Dialogue | Events

Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the media landscape and press freedom in Central and Southeast Europe. New Study of FES and n-ost will be…


Monday, 29.06.2020 - Zoom Meeting | Gender equality in East-Central Europe, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit | Events, Veranstaltung

On 29 June at 17:00 the results of the research “Inequalities during the coronavirus in Hungary” will be presented. The representative survey is…


Thursday, 25.06.2020 - Zoom Meeting | Social-political Dialogue, Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog | Events, Veranstaltung

The coronavirus will inevitably change Europe, the history of the world and its political system. The question is whether the epidemic will change it…


Tuesday, 02.06.2020 - Zoom Meeting | Social-political Dialogue, Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog | Events, Veranstaltung

The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Budapest and the Új Egyenlőség magazine organize their next joint event of public discussions (Közbeszélgetések) - “Human…


Thursday, 28.05.2020 - Zoom Meeting | Social-political Dialogue, Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog | Events, Veranstaltung

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and Policy Solutions would like to invite to the online presentation of our joint publication “System Change 30 – The…


Monday, 25.05.2020 - Zoom Meeting | Social-political Dialogue, Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog | Events, Veranstaltung

Online study lunch event together with FES EU Office in Brussels.


| Social-political Dialogue, Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog | Events, Veranstaltung

Does the Corona Virus pandemic make us reconsider things? Did we go wrong somewhere? Will it make us change things after it is all over in politics,…


Thursday, 07.05.2020 - Zoom Meeting | Social-political Dialogue | Events

A short report was published by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung on the effects of COVID-19 on the political press market in Hungary.


Thursday, 07.05.2020 - Zoom Meeting | Social-political Dialogue | Events

Launch event of an FES-Report based on anonim interviews with key players.


Friday, 01.05.2020 - Zoom Meeting | Social-political Dialogue, Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog | Events, Veranstaltung

Now the government is using the alibi of the virus to go even further in increasing the vulnerability of the employees.

Hundreds of thousands of…


Wednesday, 22.04.2020 - Zoom Meeting | Social-political Dialogue | Events

The topic of the joint publication of the FES and Policy Solutions and the online event was, what Hungarian society thinks about the last ten years of…


Wednesday, 22.04.2020 - Zoom Meeting | Gesellschaftspolitischer Dialog, Social-political Dialogue | Events, Veranstaltung

We cordially invite you to the official launch of the study “Orbán 10 - How do Hungarians evaluate the last 10 years of Hungary?”, which is a joint…


Monday, 30.03.2020 | Social-political Dialogue | Events

Friedrich Ebert Foundation continued online its talks on the economic and health consequences of the coronavirus epidemic. #FESBPgoesonline


Tuesday, 28.01.2020 - Premier Kultcafé | Gender equality in East-Central Europe | Events

These are just some of the interesting topics on the occasion of the first event of the Film Club series Women and Social Movements, which took place…


Tuesday, 21.01.2020 - BMC | Social-political Dialogue | Events

The presentation of Policy Solution’s latest edition to their series of yearbooks “Hungarian politics in 2019” drew a large and distinguished…


Wednesday, 30.10.2019 | Social-political Dialogue | Events

The result of the local elections was a big surprise, no one expected such a good performance from the opposition alliances in Budapest and in other…


Wednesday, 30.10.2019 | Social-political Dialogue | Events

The room was bursting at the seams when the results of the local elections were discussed at our joint event organized with Political Capital. At a…


Tuesday, 10.09.2019 - Hotel Benczúr | Social-political Dialogue | Events

Is there a successful environmental movement in Europe and what is its relationship to traditional political ideologies and groups? On September 10,…


Monday, 13.05.2019 - CEU-CENS | Social-political Dialogue | Events

Five years after the annexation of Crimean and the outbreak of an armed conflict in the Donbas region, there is apparently no sign of change in the…


Tuesday, 07.05.2019 - CEU-CENS | Social-political Dialogue | Events

4. April 2019 marked the 70th anniversary of NATO. The joint event of FES-Budapest and CEU-CENS titled "NATO @ 70: The Road Ahead" revolved around…


Friday, 18.01.2019 - BMC | Social-political Dialogue | Events

The yearbook "Hungarian Politics" is a joint annual review published by the think tank Policy Solutions and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung since 2014. The…


Wednesday, 17.10.2018 - Politikatörténeti Intézet | Social-political Dialogue | Events

2018 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx, the important social theorist and eponym of Marxism. With his societal studies and theory…


Tuesday, 26.06.2018 | Social-political Dialogue | Events

What does the value system of Hungarian society look like? This was the center point of the conference organized by the Policy Solutions Political…


Wednesday, 30.05.2018 - Kossuth Klub | Gender equality in East-Central Europe, Nemek közötti igazságosság Kelet-Közép-Európában, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit | Rendezvények, Events, Veranstaltung

Care for children, the sick and the elderly – still done mostly by women – is an elementary function in our society, which provides a basis for the…


Thursday, 17.05.2018 | Gender equality in East-Central Europe | Events

It often seems as if in Hungary the reality experienced by women hardly coincides with the public discourse on the situation of women in society.…


Wednesday, 11.04.2018 - CEU | Social-political Dialogue | Events

At the Hungarian parliamentary election on 8 April 2018 , the governing parties unexpectedly secured a third consecutive parliamentary two-thirds…


Wednesday, 28.03.2018 - CEU | Social-political Dialogue | Events

Geographically, the Visegrád Group countries are the gateway to Europe for Ukraine. As a neighboring country, Ukraine has an important impact on…


05.03.2018 | Social-political Dialogue | News, Events

The unexpected defeat of the Fidesz-candidate at the mayoral election in Hódmezővásárhely has revitalised the public debate about a co-operation…


| Social-political Dialogue | Events

Short-term and long-term problems of the Hungarian trade union movement were high on the agenda of the event on February 27 that took place within the…



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